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Del Lewis

Welcome to my Official Recommendation Site

Hey there, my name is Del Lewis and I’m an entrepreneur, an investor, and a “philanthropist in training”!

On this site, you will find a wide variety of content, information, tips, and tricks when it comes to building a real, sustainable, thriving business. I’ll share with you my insights on entrepreneurship, personal growth, and development, and many other topics that will help you along the path of true financial freedom and time freedom.

I am incredibly passionate about energizing and enriching the entrepreneur that resides in each of us… And it’s that entrepreneur that I want to help YOU let loose.

This site was designed to help empower and inspire you to live your life in true freedom, and to get you the tools and information to create and run your own business. It was also designed to give you the most cutting edge information on what I feel is the ultimate business model for today’s entrepreneur.

What I’ll show you will literally save you countless hours of trial and error!

But first, a little bit about me…

I was born in the Midwest, but my parents moved our family to Washington, DC when I was about 3 years old. So I kinda consider myself a Washingtonian. For the most part I grew up in DC except for three years when my dad was in the Peace Corps and we lived in Africa.

Growing up in our Nation’s Capital was really cool. It was like an ongoing history and social studies lesson. But the business of DC is politics and the Federal government, and that’s not really my thing, so I always say DC is a great place to be from.

I consider myself a serial entrepreneur! I love starting, running, acquiring, and investing in businesses. And I love being around other entrepreneurs. I’m a marine engineer by schooling, having graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, but I’m a business person at heart.

I bought my first business when I was 24. It was a fine dining restaurant in Washington, DC. My brother and I raised the money, negotiated with the bank, bought the business, and built a team. We were flying high and doing well – for a while…

Losing It All…

The place was always packed, the food was great (my brother is a chef), the bar business was rocking… and we were slowly going broke!

Being young, and very inexperienced as a restauranteur, it took me a while to figure out that the “cracker jack” general manager we had hired was also an excellent thief! We were crashing fast and I wasn’t sure what to do.

I fired our GM and took over that job myself. I was able to right the ship but the real damage had been done. We had gone though all our money! In the end, we decided to sell the business and cut our losses

This was definitely the ‘low’ point of my young entrepreneurial career… I had lost my first business, I didn’t have a job, I didn’t know how I was going to pay my bills, and I had NO CLUE what I really wanted to do with my life… Now that I look back on this, it was a blessing in disguise.

This pushed me to do some serious soul searching…

I started looking at other business opportunities, reading self help books, and talking with business people and mentors to try to figure out what I really wanted to do. Up until that point, I thought I would do anything that was legal, ethical, and moral to make money.  And now I’m so grateful that I had had this restaurant experience to focus me on my next steps.

I became incredibly passionate about financial freedom and I absorbed all I could on the most effective ways to create time freedom and wealth. This focus has led me on a journey that has been absolutely incredible.

After the restaurant sold, I returned to one of my industry passions – the maritime industry. I joined forces with two other gentlemen and together we started a maritime shipping company. Yes, I owned and operated large ships.

From the shipping industry I started a consulting practice and moved to the west coast. After a few years as a consultant to small start-up businesses I realized that I needed more real world experience with larger companies and I decided to “take a job” with a large money center bank in New York.

At the bank I started out in commercial banking and ended up in investment banking, raising hundreds of millions of dollars for companies like Polo Ralph Lauren, Heineken, USA, and Tommy Hilfiger.

My First Introduction To The Home Business World…

It was while at the bank that one of my good friends introduced me to network marketing. The entrepreneurial spirit inside of me began to stir and awaken and I knew that THIS was what I had been waiting for. I immediately thought I was going to make millions and became increasingly more and more disappointed when my efforts turned into failures time and time again. I tried for an entire year without making ANYTHING… But my passion for business ownership as a path to financial and time freedom kept me going. Even though I experienced many setbacks and seeming ‘failures’, it was precisely what I needed to go through to help me grow into a much more powerful human being.

Discovering The Power of The Internet…

So fast forward several years. I had left one MLM opportunity and later joined another. My past MLM experience coupled with my business experience made me believe that I was on to something. And although I had not achieved financial freedom at that point I new I was on the right track. I was making progress and building a business albeit slowly.

Then one day I went online and did some research on buying some internet leads. I soon realized that there was an entirely new world in front of my eyes that I never even knew existed!… The world of online marketing. Fortunately for me, I listened to my intuition and decided to get real training and coaching from some of the best internet marketers in the industry.

And because of the training I received and my iron clad commitment to success, I ended up becoming quite successful in a relatively short period of time.

I fully realized that internet marketing was all about building your own LIST, or your own personal following. I built up a brand for myself in the social networks, focused on what I was passionate about, and I continue to build a targeted list.

So now, I finally have all the puzzle pieces and can harness the incredible power of the the internet for entrepreneurs, and that’s exactly what I specialize in teaching.

My Role…

And now I have a great desire to help others see just how darn powerful that entrepreneur inside of you can be, too. I see what’s happening on our planet right now… And it’s time to create a real SHIFT. There are way too many people right now who live in fear and are completely unaware of their true power and potential. They settle in life… They settle for an unfulfilling job, they settle for superfluous relationships, they settle for mediocrity, and they live lives of quiet desperation…

Let’s Create Together…

If you stay with me and learn from my recommendations, you will learn so much about how to create true freedom in your life. You will grow as an entrepreneur and as a human being, I promise. And I’m very much looking forward to sharing my knowledge with you. Let’s grow together and build real, sustainable businesses. Feel free to leave me a comment and let me get to know you as well!

Yours in Success,
Del Lewis